J's G4M account is really driving me crazy. By far, I think this is the first entry where I comprehensively put my thoughts into writing...

J's G4M account is really driving me crazy. By far, I think this is the first entry where I comprehensively put my thoughts into writing...
I absolutely love St. Thomas Aquinas' (my school's founder) 5 Arguments on the Existence of God . I'm not a zealous Catholic, b...
Sigmund Freud's theory of bisexuality limits itself to birth. He says that we are all born bisexual, but during the early stages, we sub...
These are just some things that I absolutely: hate, abhor, despise, detest, loathe, dislike, and resent when it comes to online networks, a ...
This question absolutely ruins people who are seeing each other. I've known this fact for quite some time, and yet, I never learn. I jus...
You must know I've been bored. So to pass time, I've been going through profiles in DowneLink (an online gay community similar to fr...
is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a fashion disorder characterized by poor self esteem when it comes to clothing. Symptoms include i...
a term that refers to when you have thought of a brilliantly creative idea. Etymology of the term is the phrase creative juices flowing . An...
Beauty - everybody's favorite topic. I wish I had her legs, I wish I had his smile - everybody's favorite line. I wanna look like Ty...
I feel so out of the loop. While sitting with my friends at Coffee I. in P. Noval yesterday, I just found out that one of our classmates is ...
Cheating - yes, it's a crime, it's a sin, it's wrong, it's evil, it's.. WHAT-TF-EVER. I know cheating is not a holiday, ...
There we were, on my bed, watching Queer As Folk while I lay on his chest, and his arm around me, while I chewed on a Japanese lychee flavor...