I'm enjoying myself too much. My studies are taking a backseat to all the fun I'm having and I need to change my routine. What happe...

Are You There, Bob Ong? It's Me Koji
So I bought my first Bob Ong book last night while I was at Festival with the folks. I wasn't supposed to buy because I still have a lot...

I needed a pick me up not a pick up.
It was one of those days when my disposition matched the weather. I was not in a good mood because of certain people so I went out in the mi...

I died. I died, I died, I died, I died.

Hypocrisy At Its Finest
Last night I went out drinking with Kathy and Jane at Jane's new apartment in BF. She moved last week with our other friend Louise to be...

I Wanna See Your Private Parts
Finished reading my copy of Miss America by Howard Stern today. It was really good, packed with laughs, cheers, and zomg-did-he-just-say-tha...

There Are 42 Ways To Kill Hitler
Today I watched this documentary about Adolf Hitler on National Geographic. The title was 42 Ways To Kill Hitler and it talked about the dif...

You’ve Got Me Like Nobody (Did It Again)
The first week of classes are over and I’m happy to say that I am still alive with all my mental faculties and body parts intact. My schedul...

My 12 Most Memorable Moments (And Etc.) In Commuting History
I have a love-hate relationship with commuting. I love it because far-flung places become accessible with just a train, a bus, or a jeep, an...

The 10 People I’d Like To Meet Before I Die
Life has blessed me to meet tons of fascinating people whose personalities range from one end of the spectrum to the next. I’ve met transgen...