Breaking News
Tuesday 30 June 2009

Info Post
I'm enjoying myself too much. My studies are taking a backseat to all the fun I'm having and I need to change my routine. What happened to the storm that was supposed to hit Manila less than a week ago? It's kind of hard thinking summer is already over with the unbearable heat plaguing the city. Last Thursday I went out drinking after class and stayed out till 7 in the morning downing gin, vodka, and lots of beer in different combinations. Saturday, I was out watching the opening of the NCAA at the Araneta Coliseum and Sunday, I was out with the folks and some friends to celebrate my brother's birthday. I even missed my class last night because I was out on a date with V. I had my first quiz of the semester the other day and I failed. Must focus on studies!

But I can say that watching the opening of the NCAA is excusable because it was presswork. I went with Jake (Managing/Sports Editor) and Bianca (News Editor) to cover the opening and the first match of Perpetual against San Sebastian. We had to go early because we were going with the muse but it was great because we got to watch the performers practice the opening and see the players before the match.

Me and my co-editors had a lot of fun because we passed through the South Gate, the gate where the players, muses, officials, and dancers entered. We sat court-side and even got to sit in the court during the game. During the opening, all we had to do was flash our press IDs and we got to stay in the court. I got to see Christian Bautista, the kid who played Santino on May Bukas Pa, and other officials (including Kristie Kenney) up close that I could practically breathe the same air they were breathing. I wasn't even supposed to be there because it was Bianca who was taking pictures but I wanted to feel important and see everything up close. Fortunately, I wore black so maybe the production team thought I was part of the program.

I enjoyed the games even if I'm not a fan of sporting events. I must admit, I even cheered in the JRU-Letran match. JRU won by three points, a close game that kept me on the edge of my seat. San Sebastian kicked Perpetual's ass but at least we're the best in cheering. And our muse is the prettiest.

Mostly, I had fun because of the VVVVIP treatment. It's so fun being part of the press! The power that entails from a piece of laminated paper really can get to your head. This is the first time I exercised my press powers outside school and it works. And the meek, respectful stares I got from the commonfolk (haha) was just amazing. I'm hoping I could use this for Lady GaGa, who by the way has confirmed that she really is coming to Manila!


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