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Monday 17 May 2010

Info Post
For those who I haven't seen in the past few weeks, I have a boyfriend now. Yes, I'm currently in a relationship and honestly, I've never been this happy. Last Saturday, while we were out to celebrate our first month together, I told him about my previous relationships and how none of them worked. I know it's never a wise move to talk to your beau about your past loves but I was trying to tell him that I've never been this kilig. For our first month, he took me to the place where we had our first date.

I met my boyfriend (who we will refer to as B) two years ago through a common friend. My friend invited me to watch a musical he was in and B was there, too. I had the biggest crush on him because not only was he cute, he also sang really well. I even watched the show twice because I thought the performance was awesome. In fact, I got so into it that I started to take an interest in Broadway musicals. We weren't formally introduced (meaning he didn't know I even existed), but I saw him a couple of times in Alabang after. We were finally introduced two months ago when he came out of the closet and our common friend decided to set us up. And the rest, as they say, is history. Beautiful history.

My relationship with B is different from my previous affairs. I've been with different guys who spoiled me in different ways. I dated a guy who bought me flowers every week and got me a copy of Madonna's Confessions Tour the minute it came out. There was another who took an almost obsessive interest in me, downloading all of my pictures and listening to the music I like. And there were those who seemed to hang on to my every word, who found everything I said witty, even if I was only reading the terms of my restraining order. B is nothing like that.

I am B's first serious relationship. Honestly, it's tough being with a first-timer. Our first month was rocky because I had to adjust to a lot of stuff. He admitted he was clueless and that I had to guide him through. Fortunately, I am a patient guy and I was so into him that I didn't mind. He has his flaws, but who am I to judge them when I have my own?

Sometimes I wish he was more affectionate but I believe it's about appreciation. When it comes to being with a first-timer, there's really no point in setting high expectations. You can't expect him to navigate the relationship maze with as much know-how as someone like Barney Stinson (who if I may add is a fictional character). I'm happy with the way things are and I think it's because I appreciate the little things that he does. I appreciate the way he texts me just to say I love you, the way he displayed me as a friend on Facebook, and the way he knows me in ways others don't.

So B doesn't spoil me the way I am used to being spoiled. He doesn't buy me flowers or bring me to hotel restaurants. He doesn't get me Italian shoes or French bags, but he spoils me with love, patience, and attention. He listens to me when I babble and he always reminds me that he loves me. He accepts my flaws, takes care of me, and makes me want to be a better man. And in my opinion, I think that's more coveted than any bouquet of flowers or designer bling.


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