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Thursday 16 August 2012

Info Post
Three years ago, I wrote a list, detailing all the things I want to do before I die. Three years have passed and I've done some of them, while many are still dreams, waiting for me to have enough courage or in some cases, enough cash. Interestingly, some of the things here are no longer priorities, and some made me wonder why I even included them in the list. Example? Number 32's see a fart.

The years have come and gone, and I'd like to update the list to see where I've come, where I'm headed, and where I am now.

  1. Write a book. I will be a part of a horror anthology but I still dream of publishing my own book.
  2. Produce a painting and see it in a gallery. I still haven't caught the painting bug so I don't think this'll happen anytime soon, but I would enjoy seeing my works next to Louie Cordero, Romeo Lee, or Carina Santos.
  3. Work in a publication. I'm now a regular writer for The Philippine Star, where I maintain my own section in Supreme called Best of the Week.
  4. Live alone. Still a dream.
  5. See the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower. This will always be a dream, as well as see other parts of Europe like Germany, Russia, and Italy.
  6. Gamble. I had a brief addiction to gambling, but I wasn't as lucky as I thought, or knowledgeable in statistics, so I didn't win much. Fortunately, I don't have an addictive personality so I grew out of it after a few weeks.
  7. Work in a mental ward. I interned at the National Center for Mental Health in Mandaluyong and it was one of the best parts of my college life. Honestly, I felt more at ease around those with mental disorders than those we call "normal."
  8. Go on a cruise
  9. Go to the zoo. I've been to the aquariums, zoos, and insectariums in other countries but I haven't been to the Manila Zoo. Recently. If I were to base this on the Manila Zoo, perhaps I shouldn't get my hopes up?
  10. See the Great Wall of China. I made the mistake of going to Shanghai instead of Beijing. I vow to return to China and see the Great Wall.
  11. Spend the day in Chinatown and eat the food. One of my more realistic dreams. I must get this done soon.
  12. Get married
  13. Have a baby girl
  14. Play the piano
  15. Drive a car. Not my thing.
  16. Skydive
  17. Be surrounded by penguins. What was I thinking?
  18. Write a moving poem
  19. Learn a foreign language. I regret not taking my Chinese and French seriously.
  20. Stargaze
  21. See Intramuros
  22. See the pyramids. Along with my dream Eurotrip, I long to travel and see the world.
  23. Solve a crossword puzzle
  24. Be in/famous
  25. Win an award. It's not exactly the kind of award I wanted but I got a co-curricular gold medal for leadership for my work as the editor-in-chief of the campus paper back in college. 
  26. Get a job. I did marketing and now I'm juggling my time between writing and doing HR work for a call center. I plan to shift careers and get into copywriting. Soon.
  27. Celebrate St. Patrick's Day in Ireland. Or other festivals. Local or abroad.
  28. See the Coliseum and the Parthenon.
  29. Go to the senate. Scratch this.
  30. See the National Museum. I only got around to doing this this year. Believe it or not.
  31. See a tarsier. Perhaps I could change this to traveling around the Philippines?
  32. See a fart. The fuck?
  33. See the sun rise or set. I watched the sun set every day I was in Boracay and Puerto Galera. It was gorgeous.
  34. Have an authentic British tea party with finger sandwiches
  35. Eat croissant in the streets of Paris. In Lanvin.
  36. See Macau. Macau doesn't really interest me anymore, though I won't mind going around the fake canals.
  37. Ride a gondola in the Grand Canal. And maybe re-enact Madonna's Like A Virgin video?
  38. Eat halo halo in Baywalk. Now that Baywalk is a sad strip devoid of establishments and a basic wall (and general cleanliness), halo halo in Intramuros is good enough.
  39. See Tokyo and meet a geisha. Generally, geisha are located in Kyoto, but I have this sudden itch to go to my home country and explore Tokyo, Kyoto, Hokkaido, and Okinawa.
  40. See a New Orleans festival
  41. See a supernatural creature. I've had several experiences already.
  42. Witness a "Your Mama" showdown. No.
  43. Fly a kite. I participated in a shoot involving a giant kite but I'd love to actually fly one.
  44. Watch a musical. I've seen Rent (a local production), Zsa Zsa Zaturnnah, Caredivas, and Mamma Mia!
  45. Live in New York
  46. Plant a tree
  47. Graduate. Took me six damn years.
  48. Learn the ghetto language. I don't think so.
  49. Teach. But only until a certain age. I want to be a young teacher.
  50. Fly to Peru and see the lines at Nazca. The world, baby. The world.


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